Enroll for your one-day Theory Course
Enroll for your one-day Theory Course
Refund, cancel or postpone? No problem!
This can be done free of charge up to 96 hours before the start.

More information:
Selected course
Full theory course CarSaturday 22 February 2025
From 10.00 to 17.00
Location: Amsterdam Sloterdijk
Price: €129.00
Only 7 seats left
Extra's included for free
Unlimited access untill Sunday 09 March:

Extra info about the sign-up form

Online Examens (included)
You get access to 50 online exams and 3250 practising questions for free. You will receive unlimited access from the moment you registered untill 2 weeks after the course.

Online Theory Course (€59)
The Online Zoom Course is the same course as this one-day course, but then online. You can join on your mobile or PC and ask questions to teachers.
One month access to all courses €59,-.
See calendar.

Theory and Exam on the same day (included)
During this CBR Warm-up session we train the questions of CBR. With this Exam Training in your head, you are ready to go to CBR the same day. You can easily join this Live on Zoom and leave your house to CBR.
Reserve a seat
If you choose to reserve a seat, your seat is secured and you can immediately start with the online exams. You also have immediately access to the online courses.
Free options
Online Examens
You get access to 50 online exams and 3250 practising questions for free. You will receive unlimited access from the moment you registered untill 2 weeks after the course.
Theory and Exam on the same day
During this training session we don’t explain the theory like in the one-day course. We only train you the questions of CBR. With this Exam Training in your head, you are ready to go to CBR the same day. You can easily join this Live on Zoom.
CBR Exam
Assistance with booking
We can book the exam for you, but nowadays it’s a lot easier to book it yourself. Any questions on how to do this? We can help you for free on WhatsApp.
Book the CBR exam for me
If you want we can book the exam for you. We will contact you to make an appointment. Be aware this is more expensive and takes more time for you. You need to autorize us at CBR.
Paid options
Online Course
You can add one month access to all Online Zoom courses. Join the course on your mobile or PC and ask questions to teachers.
It’s the same course as this one-day course, but then online.
Theory Book
With our course, you don’t need a book. But if you want we ship it to you. If you select this, we will contact you for your adress.